LaptopScreen.Com blog-site

Monday, June 7, 2010

Most Popular Laptops for May 2010

Each month NotebookReview.Com presents data for the number of times a particular notebook is viewed on their site's product pages. It is to get an idea for what mainstream consumers are looking at and maybe thinking about buying. While these laptops are not necessarily the most popular in terms of sales, they are the most popular based on the number of times the visitors clicked the links to find out more details about them. The Lenovo G550 still holds the most popular spot as one of the preferred value notebooks. The Dell Studio XPS 16, Lenovo ThinkPad X201 and ASUS G73JH are holding their 2nd, 3rd and 4th list position respectively. New to the list this month are the Dell Inspiron 14 and Inspiron 11z, in spots 5 and 10. The the most discussed item is Alienware M11x.



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